
Available for Special Occasions

Experienced at Birthdays, Weddings & Funerals
Serving 50 (+/-) mile radius of
Evansville Indiana (USA)

The bagpiper playing will be Roger Fuchs of Evansville. Roger has
been playing the bagpipes for over 20 years and has played at many
social gatherings, including weddings and funerals. His dress is
Scottish attire (kilt).

I am flexible to the desires of the client regarding the bagpipe
songs they desire depending on the occasion.

Bagpipes at funerals are most generally (but not always) performed
at the grave or vault site. The bagpipes can easily be coordinated
with military honors. I will generally (with the family's consent)
bagpipe the loved one's remains from the hearse to the grave site or
into the mausoleum. Following the service, immediately after the final
prayer, I will play Amazing Grace (2-3 times) on the bagpipes and slowly
walk out of site during the last verse (dependent on the terrain,
location and weather). When military honors are present, Amazing Grace
on the bagpipes will immediately follow the playing of Taps.

Weddings can be a natural for bagpipes for some couples. Bagpipes can
be included in the prelude (processional, bridal march) as well as the
recessional. Highland Cathedral is also a popular bagpipe song at weddings.

For more information
Click Here to Contact the Bagpiper